Buy Wholesale CBD from Core Roots For Life

Your success is our success. That’s why Core Roots CBD makes it easy for our vendor-partners to place wholesale orders online. With just a few clicks, your new shipment of Core Roots CBD will be on its way to your store!

Join The Core Roots For Life Wholesale CBD program

Quick and easy

Simply select the products you wish to reorder and head to the cart for simple checkout. We accept all major credit cards.

No minimum purchase

Whether you carry just one CBD item or our entire product line, you can participate in this reorder program.

Reorder at any time

There’s no need to call us. You can replenish your Core Roots stock at any time, day or night.

How to apply for the Core Roots CBD wholesale online reorder program

It’s easy to fulfill wholesale CBD orders on the Core Roots For Life website! Simply follow the steps below and you’ll be well on your way.


Apply to be a wholesale customer:

Fill out a brief application so we can get to know you and learn more about your goals.


Upload your valid resale certificate:

Most states require a resale certificate that proves you are authorized to resell goods. If you’re unsure how to obtain a resale certificate, consult this article or email us.


Receive your account information:

A Core Roots account will be created for you once you’re accepted into the wholesaler program.


Place your order:

Reorder from anywhere, at any time, whenever you need to! Simply log in, fill your cart, and head to checkout.

Learn how to buy CBD wholesale — the easy way!

What our customers are saying...

I experience anxiety and have difficulty sleeping. I decided to try CBD to help me relax. I found myself sleeping longer, which helped me stay focused and calm during the day. Thanks, Core Roots!
Adam C.
Since starting my 14 year old rat terrier on Core Roots Pet CBD spray, he has had more energy and can jump up on furniture again. He had an aggressive tumor in his head which required radiation treatment and instead of giving him rimadyl and gabapentin I decided to try CBD to help in fear the medications would destroy his liver. I’m so glad I tried the Pet CBD oil spray and am so ecstatic with the results! I also give it to my anxious chihuahua and it helps her.  I highly recommend giving this product a try – my dogs love it.
Felicia Z.
I highly recommend the tincture and the topical cream, received tremendous results, including pain relief. I’m looking forward to purchasing additional products. The fact that they are NJ based is wonderful!
Carla B.
Last week I was dreading going to work with the weather forecast of a heat wave, humidity and rain. Surprise, I actually put in 34 hours of overtime easy enough! I took the tincture and put cream on my knee daily, along with wearing a knee support. I felt great, almost did a quarter mile lap around the parking lot during break, it was too hot though. I haven’t felt this good in ages. Thanks to CBD tincture and cream my knee did not swell and I no longer limped but had a pep in my step!
Leona G.
I have found many uses for Core Roots CBD over the past year. i have used it to treat anxiety at home or while transporting dogs/puppies via airlines. The most recent use was after one of my dogs had a litter and she was getting very stressed out when away from her puppies or when strangers were in the house. i decided to try Core Roots CBD to settle her down. it did the trick and didn’t have any noticeable effect on the puppies. CBD oil has a wonderful calming effect on my dogs with out the use of medications. it has been a real life saver in many different situations and a natural approach is always the best for me and my dogs.
Fayme Frenchies
With the Core Roots CBD capsules, I went from not making it a full day to functioning until 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. I’m feeling like a human again. My days used to end much earlier in excruciating pain. I noticed that I’m using my cane a little less and I don’t need pain patches on my knees like I used to. I can now get a full night’s rest. I now see a light at the end of the tunnel. These little gems have been the miracle I’ve been looking for. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Veronica T.
I’ve been using oil for about a month and it’s helping me sleep better. I’m also giving some to my 16 1/2 year old dog who has an enlarged heart and some tumors. She has no pain and is very calm since using CBD. Very playful again for whatever time she has left. So happy to have discovered such a good product!
Ilene S.
I too was not a believer. However, after using for a few days, I began to feel better all around. My back pain is virtually gone and overall feel 90% better. I spoke with my doctor about my experiences and she agreed that CBD can be helpful to people. I recommend this product strongly.
Gene S.
Your oil has been a godsend! It’s helping me sleep. It’s so nice to get off the medication and turn to a natural remedy. It helps with so many ailments it is now part of my daily routine. Thank you for a great product!
LuAnn B.
Have you tried CBD gummies from @corerootsforlife? They reformulated them and now the come in strawberry and orange flavors. And idk how they did it, but there’s no weird CBD aftertaste! I highly recommend giving them a try.

Experience Core Roots CBD’s Higher Standard

Core Roots is fully committed to the industry’s most ambitious standards of quality and transparency. We want our customers to feel empowered when they buy from Core Roots, that they are making the best choice for themselves and for their loved ones. Rest assured that all Core Roots products are: 

Made in a GMP compliant, FDA-registered facility: This guarantees that each bottle you buy meets the high bar we set for ourselves, in facilities that have been inspected by and registered with the FDA. 

Organic ingredients: Not only is our CBD sourced from an organic hemp farm in Kentucky, but each ingredient selected for our product line is certified organic as well.

Total transparency: Customers and wholesalers alike can review independent third-party lab tests of each product, available for download on our website. These test results are updated to reflect the batch currently selling on the Core Roots website.

Made in the USA: No part of the Core Roots CBD sourcing or extraction process is sent overseas. Our hemp is grown in Kentucky, and our products are manufactured in Connecticut – right here at home.

Health first and foremost: Core Roots CBD products are vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO.

Explore Core Roots CBD products

Whether you prefer a classic CBD oil, a moisturizing balm, or a tasty gummy, Core Roots CBD has a product that fits your lifestyle. Explore your options!

Join The Core Roots CBD Referral Program

Share your passion for Core Roots CBD – and get rewarded for it!

Once you’re accepted into our referral program, you’ll receive 10 percent of all sales made from your unique link. Share your link with family, friends – the whole world!

Still have questions?

Contact us today and we’ll be happy to answer your questions about the Core Roots CBD wholesale online reorder program!